Spring Semester 2001

Semestre Dominicano is a program
run by Creighton University of Omaha,
Nebraska. In the Spring Semester of 2001, 17 Creighton College of Arts
& Sciences Semestre Dominicano Students and
their intrepid professor journeyed to the Dominican Republic to study, to
reflect, and to serve the Dominican people. This is their story. . . .
"Creighton para otros"

Website updated March 20, 2001
This website is maintained by
Dr. Eileen Dugan, Associate Professor of History
Comments and corrections to etdugan@creighton.edu
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is not intended to reflect
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are those of the site's authors alone. All errors are ours
and ours alone. All out-of-focus pix are our fault, too.
Be easy on us. We're amateurs.